Harpreet S. Nirwan
Harp Nirwan is the principal of Nirwan Law Corporation. He is an experienced trial lawyer who has appeared in both the Provincial Court and Supreme Court of British Columbia hundreds of times.

Radhika Sandur
Radhika is an associate of Nirwan Law Corporation. Radhika joined Nirwan Law Corporation as an Articled Student in 2019 and practices primarily in the area of Personal Injury.
When to Make Changes to Your Will
The thought of writing a will is scary to many people; however, it is necessary to have [...]
Spousal Support Payments and Your Income Tax Return
Did you know that you may need to include spousal support payments when filing your annual income [...]
Estate Planning: Wills vs. Trusts
Estate planning can seem like a gloomy activity; however, it can be like planning for your children's [...]
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